Director & Screenwriter
David Shushanidze was born on January 17, 1997 in Yaroslavl, Russia. He began his career in the film industry as a film director and screenwriter by making the short film The Last Rung on the Ladderbased upon a short story by Stephen King. He was granted the adaptation rights by Stephen King under the Dollar Baby Program 3 days prior to its disbandment, thus becoming both the latest film director from Russia and the world’s latest “Dollar Baby”.
Short / Drama / Mystery
Russia / 2024 (Pre-production)
A man who learned about his sister’s suicide is taken back to the past by his memories. An episode from his childhood, in which he was saving his sister from imminent death, appears in front of him. Coexistence of the past and present in the experimental adaptation of the latest “Dollar Baby” film based upon a short story by Stephen King.
“The Last Rung On The Ladder” © (1978) Stephen King
Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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